Source code for

from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import copy, os, pickle

import numpy as np

from .analysis import NetworkG, NetworkK, NetworkF
from . import util
from libpysal import cg, examples, weights
    from libpysal import open
except ImportError:
    import libpysal
    open =

__all__ = ["Network", "PointPattern", "NetworkG", "NetworkK", "NetworkF"]

class Network:
    """Spatially-constrained network representation and analytical
    functionality. Naming conventions are as follows, (1) arcs and
    vertices for the full network object, and (2) edges and nodes for
    the simplified graph-theoretic object. The term 'link' is used to
    refer to a network arc or a graph edge.
    in_data : {geopandas.GeoDataFrame, str}
        The input geographic data. Either (1) a path to a shapefile
        (str); or (2) a `geopandas.GeoDataFrame 
    vertex_sig : int
        Round the x and y coordinates of all vertices to ``vertex_sig``
        significant digits (combined significant digits on the left and
        right of the decimal place). Default is 11. Set to ``None`` for
        no rounding.
    unique_arcs : bool
        If ``True`` (default), keep only unique arcs (i.e., prune
        out any duplicated arcs). If ``False`` keep all segments.
    extractgraph : bool
        If ``True``, extract a graph-theoretic object with no degree 2
        nodes. Default is ``True``.
    w_components : bool
        Set to ``False`` to not record connected components from a
        object. Default is True.
    weightings : {dict, bool}
        If ``dict``, lists of weightings for each arc. If ``bool``,
        ``True`` flags ``self.arc_lengths`` as the weightings,
        ``False`` sets to no weightings. Default is ``False``.
    adjacencylist : list
        List of lists storing vertex adjacency.
    vertex_coords : dict
        Keys are the vertex ID and values are the (x,y) coordinates
        inverse to vertices.
    vertex_list : list
        List of vertex IDs.
    vertices : dict
        Keys are tuples of vertex coords and values are the vertex ID.
    arcs : list
        List of arcs, where each arc is a sorted tuple
        of vertex IDs.
    arc_lengths : dict
        Keys are tuples of sorted vertex IDs representing an arc and
        values are the length.
    pointpatterns : dict
        Keys are a string name of the pattern and values are
        ``PointPattern`` class instances.
    alldistances : dict
        Keys are the vertex IDs (``int``). Values are tuples with two
        elements as follows (1) a list of the shortest path distances;
        (2) a dict with the key being the id of the destination vertex
        and the value being a list of the shortest path.
    distancematrix : `numpy.ndarray <>`_
        all network vertices (non-observations) distance matrix.
    edges : list
        tuples of graph edge ids.
    edge_lengths : dict
        Keys are the graph edge ids (tuple). Values are the graph edge
        length (``float``).
    non_articulation_points : list
        All vertices with degree 2 that are not in an isolated
        island ring (loop) component
    w_network : `libpysal.weights.weights.W <>`_
        Weights object created from the network arcs
    network_n_components : int
        Count of connected components in the network.
    network_component_labels : `numpy.ndarray <>`_
        Component labels for networks arc
    network_component2arc : dict
        Lookup ``{int: list}`` for arcs comprising network
        connected components keyed by component labels with arcs in
        a ``list`` as values.
    network_component_is_ring : dict
        Lookup ``{int: bool}`` keyed by component labels with values
        as ``True`` if the component is a closed ring, otherwise
    w_graph : `libpysal.weights.weights.W <>`_
        Weights object created from the graph edges
    graph_n_components : int
        Count of connected components in the network.
    graph_component_labels : `numpy.ndarray <>`_
        Component labels for graph edges
    graph_component2edge : dict
        Lookup ``{int: list}`` for edges comprising graph connected
        components keyed by component labels with edges in a list
        as values.
    graph_component_is_ring : dict
        Lookup ``{int: bool}`` keyed by component labels with values as
        ``True`` if the component is a closed ring, otherwise ``False``.
    Instantiate an instance of a network.
    >>> import spaghetti as spgh
    >>> streets_file = examples.get_path('streets.shp')
    >>> ntw = spgh.Network(in_data=streets_file)
    Snap point observations to the network with attribute information.
    >>> crimes_file = examples.get_path('crimes.shp')
    >>> ntw.snapobservations(crimes_file, 'crimes', attribute=True)
    And without attribute information.
    >>> schools_file = examples.get_path('schools.shp')
    >>> ntw.snapobservations(schools_file, 'schools', attribute=False)
    def __init__(self, in_data=None, vertex_sig=11, unique_arcs=True,
                 extractgraph=True, w_components=True, weightings=False):
        # do this when creating a clean network instance from a
        # shapefile or a geopandas.GeoDataFrame, otherwise a shell
        # network instance is created (see `split_arcs()` method)
        if in_data is not None:
            # set parameters as attributes
            self.in_data = in_data
            self.vertex_sig = vertex_sig
            self.unique_arcs = unique_arcs
            self.adjacencylist = defaultdict(list)
            self.vertices = {}
            # initialize network arcs and arc_lengths
            self.arcs = []
            self.arc_lengths = {}
            # initialize pointpatterns
            self.pointpatterns = {}
            # spatial representation of the network
            self.arcs = sorted(self.arcs)
            self.vertex_coords = dict((v, k) for k, v in self.vertices.items())
            # extract connected components
            if w_components:
                as_graph = False
                network_weightings = False
                if weightings is True:
                    # set network arc weights to length if weights are
                    # desired, but no other input in given
                    weightings = self.arc_lengths
                    network_weightings = True
                # extract contiguity weights from libpysal
                self.w_network = self.contiguityweights(graph=as_graph,
                # extract connected components from the `w_network`
                self.extract_components(self.w_network, graph=as_graph)
            # extract the graph -- repeat similar as above
            # for extracting the network
            if extractgraph:
                if w_components:
                    as_graph = True
                    if network_weightings:
                        weightings = self.edge_lengths
                    self.w_graph = self.contiguityweights(\
                    self.extract_components(self.w_graph, graph=as_graph)
            # sorted list of vertex ids
            self.vertex_list = sorted(self.vertices.values())
[docs] def _round_sig(self, v): """Used internally to round the vertex to a set number of significant digits. If ``sig`` is set to 4, then the following are some possible results for a coordinate are as follows. (1) 0.0xxxx, (2) 0.xxxx, (3), (4) xx.xx, (5) xxx.x, (6) xxxx.0, (7) xxxx0.0 Parameters ---------- v : tuple X,Y coordinate of the vertex """ # set the number of significant digits sig = self.vertex_sig # simply return vertex (x,y) coordinates if sig is None: return v # for each coordinate in a coordinate pair # if the coordinate location is (0.0) simply return zero # else -- (1) take the absolute value of `val`; (2) take the # base 10 log for [1]; (3) take the floor of [2]; (4) convert # [3] into a negative integer; (5) add `sig - 1` to [4]; # (6) round `val` by [5] out_v = [val if val == 0 \ else round(val, -int(np.floor(np.log10(np.fabs(val))))\ + (sig - 1))\ for val in v] return tuple(out_v)
[docs] def extract_components(self, w, graph=False): """Extract connected component information from a ``libpysal.weights.weights.W`` object Parameters ---------- w : `libpysal.weights.weights.W <>`_ Weights object created from the network segments (either raw or graph-theoretic) graph : bool Flag for raw network [False] or graph-theoretic network ``True``. Default is ``False``. """ # flag network (arcs) or graph (edges) if graph: links = self.edges obj_type = 'graph_' else: links = self.arcs obj_type = 'network_' # connected component count and labels n_components = w.n_components component_labels = w.component_labels # link to component lookup link2component = dict(zip(links, component_labels)) # component ID to links lookup component2link = {} cp_labs = set(w.component_labels) for cpl in cp_labs: component2link[cpl] = sorted([k for k,v\ in link2component.items()\ if v == cpl]) # component to ring lookup component_is_ring = {} for k,vs in component2link.items(): component_is_ring[k] = True for v in vs: if len(w.neighbors[v]) != 2: component_is_ring[k] = False # attribute label name depends on object type if graph: c2l_attr_name = 'component2edge' else: c2l_attr_name = 'component2arc' # set all new variables into list extracted_attrs = [['n_components', n_components], ['component_labels', component_labels], [c2l_attr_name, component2link], ['component_is_ring', component_is_ring]] # iterate over list and set attribute with # either "network" or "graph" extension for (attr_str, attr) in extracted_attrs: setattr(self, obj_type+attr_str, attr)
[docs] def _extractnetwork(self): """Used internally to extract a network from a polyline shapefile of a ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame``. """ # initialize vertex count vertex_count = 0 # determine if input network data is coming from # shapefile or a geopandas.GeoDataFrame if isinstance(self.in_data, str): shps = open(self.in_data) else: shps = self.in_data.geometry # iterate over each record of the network lines for shp in shps: # fetch all vertices between euclidean segments # in the line record -- these vertices are # coordinates in an (x, y) tuple. vertices = weights._contW_lists._get_verts(shp) # iterate over each vertex (v) for i, v in enumerate(vertices[:-1]): # -- For vertex 1 # adjust precision -- this was originally # implemented to handle high-precision # network network vertices v = self._round_sig(v) # when the vertex already exists in lookup # set it as the current `vid` try: vid = self.vertices[v] # when the vertex is not present in the lookup # add it and adjust vertex count except KeyError: self.vertices[v] = vid = vertex_count vertex_count += 1 # -- For vertex 2 # repeat the steps above for vertex 1 v2 = self._round_sig(vertices[i + 1]) try: nvid = self.vertices[v2] except KeyError: self.vertices[v2] = nvid = vertex_count vertex_count += 1 # records vertex 1 and vertex 2 adjacency self.adjacencylist[vid].append(nvid) self.adjacencylist[nvid].append(vid) # Sort the edges so that mono-directional # keys can be stored. arc_vertices = sorted([vid, nvid]) arc = tuple(arc_vertices) # record the euclidean arc within the network self.arcs.append(arc) # record length length = util.compute_length(v, vertices[i + 1]) self.arc_lengths[arc] = length if self.unique_arcs: # Remove duplicate edges and duplicate adjacent nodes. self.arcs = list(set(self.arcs)) for k, v in self.adjacencylist.items(): self.adjacencylist[k] = list(set(v))
[docs] def extractgraph(self): """Using the existing network representation, create a graph-theoretic representation by removing all vertices with a neighbor incidence of two (non-articulation points). That is, we assume these vertices are bridges between vertices with higher or lower incidence. """ # initialize edges and edge_lengths self.edges = [] self.edge_lengths = {} # find all vertices with degree 2 that are not in an isolated # island ring (loop) component. These are non-articulation # points on the graph representation non_articulation_points = self._yield_napts() # retain non_articulation_points as an attribute self.non_articulation_points = list(non_articulation_points) # start with a copy of the spatial representation and # iteratively remove edges deemed to be segments self.edges = copy.deepcopy(self.arcs) self.edge_lengths = copy.deepcopy(self.arc_lengths) # mapping all the 'network arcs' contained within a single # 'graph represented' edge self.arcs_to_edges = {} # build up bridges "rooted" on the initial # non-articulation points bridge_roots = [] # iterate over all vertices that are not contained within # isolated loops that have a degree of 2 for s in non_articulation_points: # initialize bridge with an articulation point bridge = [s] # fetch all vertices adjacent to point `s` # that are also degree 2 neighbors = self._yieldneighbor(s, non_articulation_points, bridge) while neighbors: # extract the current node in `neighbors` cnode = neighbors.pop() # remove it from `non_articulation_points` non_articulation_points.remove(cnode) # add it to bridge bridge.append(cnode) # fetch neighbors for the current node newneighbors = self._yieldneighbor(cnode, non_articulation_points, bridge) # add the new neighbors back into `neighbors` neighbors += newneighbors # once all potential neighbors are exhausted add the # current bridge of non-articulation points to the # list of rooted bridges bridge_roots.append(bridge) # iterate over the list of newly created rooted bridges for bridge in bridge_roots: # if the vertex is only one non-articulation # point in the bridge if len(bridge) == 1: # that the singular element of the bridge n = self.adjacencylist[bridge[0]] # and create a new graph edge from it new_edge = tuple(sorted([n[0], n[1]])) # identify the arcs to be removed e1 = tuple(sorted([bridge[0], n[0]])) e2 = tuple(sorted([bridge[0], n[1]])) # remove the network arcs (spatial) from the # graph-theoretic representation self.edges.remove(e1) self.edges.remove(e2) # remove the former network arc lengths from the # graph edge lengths lookup length_e1 = self.edge_lengths[e1] length_e2 = self.edge_lengths[e2] self.edge_lengths.pop(e1, None) self.edge_lengths.pop(e2, None) # and add the new edge length in their place self.edge_lengths[new_edge] = length_e1 + length_e2 # update the pointers self.arcs_to_edges[e1] = new_edge self.arcs_to_edges[e2] = new_edge # if there are more than one vertices in the bridge else: cumulative_length = 0 start_end = {} # initialize a redundant set of bridge edges redundant = set([]) # iterate over the current bridge for b in bridge: # iterate over each node in the bridge for n in self.adjacencylist[b]: # start the bridge with this node if n not in bridge: start_end[b] = n # or create a redundant edge with the current # node and `b` else: redundant.add(tuple(sorted([b, n]))) # initialize a new graph edge new_edge = tuple(sorted(start_end.values())) # add start_end redundant edge for k, v in start_end.items(): redundant.add(tuple(sorted([k, v]))) # remove all redundant network arcs while # adjusting the graph edge lengths lookup # and the edges_to_arcs lookup for r in redundant: self.edges.remove(r) cumulative_length += self.edge_lengths[r] self.edge_lengths.pop(r, None) self.arcs_to_edges[r] = new_edge # finally, add the new cumulative edge length self.edge_lengths[new_edge] = cumulative_length # add the updated graph edge self.edges.append(new_edge) # converted the graph edges into a sorted set to prune out # duplicate graph edges created during simplification self.edges = sorted(set(self.edges))
[docs] def _yield_napts(self): """Find all nodes with degree 2 that are not in an isolated island ring (loop) component. These are non-articulation points on the graph representation. Returns ------- napts : list non-articulation points on a graph representation """ # non-articulation points napts = set() # network vertices remaining to evaluate unvisted = set(self.vertices.values()) while unvisted: # iterate over each component for component_id, ring in self.network_component_is_ring.items(): # evaluate for non-articulation points napts, unvisted = self._evaluate_napts(napts, unvisted, component_id, ring) # convert set of non-articulation points into list napts = list(napts) return napts
[docs] def _evaluate_napts(self, napts, unvisited, component_id, ring): """Evaluate one connected component in a network for non-articulation points (napts) and return an updated set of napts and unvisted vertices. Parameters ---------- napts : set Non-articulation points (napts) in the network. The 'napts' here do not include those within an isolated loop island. unvisited : set Vertices left to evaluate in the network. component_id : int ID for the network connected component for the current iteration of the algorithm. ring : bool Network component is isolated island loop ``True`` or not ``False``. Returns ------- napts : set Updated 'napts' object. unvisited : set Updated 'napts' object. """ # iterate over each `edge` of the `component` for component in self.network_component2arc[component_id]: # each `component` has two vertices for vertex in component: # if `component` is not an isolated island # and `vertex` has exactly 2 neighbors, # add `vertex` to `napts` if not ring: if len(self.adjacencylist[vertex]) == 2: napts.add(vertex) # remove `vertex` from `unvisited` if # it is still in the set else move along to # the next iteration try: unvisited.remove(vertex) except KeyError: pass return napts, unvisited
[docs] def _yieldneighbor(self, vtx, arc_vertices, bridge): """Used internally, this method traverses a bridge arc to find the source and destination nodes. Parameters ---------- vtx : int vertex id arc_vertices : list All non-articulation points in the network. These are referred to as degree-2 vertices. bridge : list Inital bridge list containing only ``vtx``. Returns ------- nodes : list Vertices to keep (articulation points). These elements are referred to as nodes. """ # instantiate empty lis to fill with network articulation # points (nodes with a degree of 1 [endpoints] or greater # than 2 [intersections]) nodes = [] # get all nodes adjacent to `vtx` that are not in the # set of 'bridge' vertices for i in self.adjacencylist[vtx]: if i in arc_vertices and i not in bridge: nodes.append(i) return nodes
[docs] def contiguityweights(self, graph=True, weightings=None): """Create a contiguity-based libpysal W object. Parameters ---------- graph : bool ``{True, False}`` controls whether the W is generated using the spatial representation or the graph representation. Default is ``True``. weightings : dict dictionary of lists of weightings for each arc/edge. Returns ------- W : `libpysal.weights.weights.W <>`_ A ``pysal`` W Object representing the binary adjacency of the network. Examples -------- Instantiate an instance of a network. >>> import spaghetti as spgh >>> from libpysal import examples >>> import esda >>> import numpy as np >>> ntw = spgh.Network(examples.get_path('streets.shp')) Snap point observations to the network with attribute information. >>> ntw.snapobservations(examples.get_path('crimes.shp'), ... 'crimes', attribute=True) Find counts per network arc. >>> counts = ntw.count_per_link(ntw.pointpatterns['crimes'] ... .obs_to_arc, graph=False) >>> counts[(50, 165)] 4 Create a contiguity based W object. >>> w = ntw.contiguityweights(graph=False) Using the W object, access to ESDA functionality is provided. First, a vector of attributes is created for all edges with observations. >>> w = ntw.contiguityweights(graph=False) >>> arcs = w.neighbors.keys() >>> y = np.zeros(len(arcs)) >>> for i, e in enumerate(arcs): ... if e in counts.keys(): ... y[i] = counts[e] >>> y[3] 3.0 Next, a standard call ot Moran is made and the result placed into ``res``. >>> res = esda.moran.Moran(y, w, permutations=99) >>> type(res) <class 'esda.moran.Moran'> """ # instantiate OrderedDict to record network link # adjacency which will be keyed by the link id (a tuple) # with values being lists of tuples (contiguous links) neighbors = OrderedDict() # flag network (arcs) or graph (edges) if graph: links = self.edges else: links = self.arcs # if weightings are desired instantiate a dictionary # other ignore weightings if weightings: _weights = {} else: _weights = None # iterate over all links until all possibilities # for network link adjacency are exhausted working = True while working: # for each network link (1) for key in links: # instantiate a slot in the OrderedDict neighbors[key] = [] if weightings: _weights[key] = [] # for each network link (2) for neigh in links: # skip if comparing link to itself if key == neigh: continue # if link(1) and link(2) share any vertex # update neighbors adjacency if key[0] == neigh[0] or key[0] == neigh[1]\ or key[1] == neigh[0] or key[1] == neigh[1]: neighbors[key].append(neigh) # and add weights if desired if weightings: _weights[key].append(weightings[neigh]) # break condition # -- everything is sorted, so we know when we have # stepped beyond a possible neighbor if key[1] > neigh[1]: working = False # call libpysal for `W` instance w = weights.W(neighbors, weights=_weights) return w
[docs] def distancebandweights(self, threshold, n_proccess=None, gen_tree=False): """Create distance based weights. Parameters ---------- threshold : float Distance threshold value. n_processes : {int, str} (Optional) Specify the number of cores to utilize. Default is 1 core. Use ``int`` to specify an exact number or cores. Use ``"all"`` to request all available cores. gen_tree : bool Rebuild shortest path with ``True``, or skip with ``False``. Returns ------- w : `libpysal.weights.weights.W <>`_ A ``pysal`` W Object representing the binary adjacency of the network. Examples -------- >>> import spaghetti as spgh >>> streets_file = examples.get_path('streets.shp') >>> ntw = spgh.Network(in_data=streets_file) >>> w = ntw.distancebandweights(threshold=500) >>> w.n 230 >>> w.histogram[-1] (8, 3) """ # if the a vertex-to-vertex network distance matrix is # not present in the `network.Network` object; calculate # one at this point if not hasattr(self, 'alldistances'): self.full_distance_matrix(n_proccess, gen_tree=gen_tree) # identify all network vertices which are within the # `threshold` parameter neighbor_query = np.where(self.distancematrix < threshold) # create an instance for recording neighbors which # inserts a new key if not present in object neighbors = defaultdict(list) # iterate over neighbors within the `threshold` # and record all network vertices as neighbors # if the vertex is not being compared to itself for i, n in enumerate(neighbor_query[0]): neigh = neighbor_query[1][i] if n != neigh: neighbors[n].append(neigh) # call libpysal for `W` instance w = weights.W(neighbors) return w
[docs] def snapobservations(self, in_data, name, idvariable=None, attribute=None): """Snap a point pattern shapefile to network object. The point pattern is stored in the ``network.pointpattern['key']`` attribute of the network object. Parameters ---------- in_data : {geopandas.GeoDataFrame, str} The input geographic data. Either (1) a path to a shapefile (``str``); or (2) a ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame``. name : str Name to be assigned to the point dataset. idvariable : str Column name to be used as ID variable. attribute : bool Defines whether attributes should be extracted. ``True`` for attribute extraction. ``False`` for no attribute extraction. Examples -------- >>> import spaghetti as spgh >>> streets_file = examples.get_path('streets.shp') >>> ntw = spgh.Network(in_data=streets_file) >>> pt_str = 'crimes' >>> in_data = examples.get_path('{}.shp'.format(pt_str)) >>> ntw.snapobservations(in_data, pt_str, attribute=True) >>> ntw.pointpatterns[pt_str].npoints 287 """ # create attribute of `pointpattern` but instantiating a # `network.PointPattern` class self.pointpatterns[name] = PointPattern(in_data=in_data, idvariable=idvariable, attribute=attribute) # allocate the point observations to the nework self._snap_to_link(self.pointpatterns[name])
[docs] def compute_distance_to_vertices(self, x, y, arc): """Given an observation on a network arc, return the distance to the two vertices that bound that end. Parameters ---------- x : float x-coordinate of the snapped point. y : float y-coordinate of the snapped point. arc : tuple (vtx0, vtx1) representation of the network arc. Returns ------- d1 : float The distance to vtx0. Always the vertex with the lesser id. d2 : float The distance to vtx1. Always the vertex with the greater id. """ # distance to vertex 1 d1 = util.compute_length((x, y), self.vertex_coords[arc[0]]) # distance to vertex 2 d2 = util.compute_length((x, y), self.vertex_coords[arc[1]]) return d1, d2
[docs] def compute_snap_dist(self, pattern, idx): """Given an observation snapped to a network arc, calculate the distance from the original location to the snapped location. Parameters ----------- pattern : point pattern object idx : int point id Returns ------- dist : float euclidean distance from original location to snapped location. """ # set of original (x,y) point coordinates loc = pattern.points[idx]['coordinates'] # set of snapped (x,y) point coordinate snp = pattern.snapped_coordinates[idx] # distance from the original location to # the snapped location along the network dist = util.compute_length(loc, snp) return dist
[docs] def _newpoint_coords(self, arc, distance): """Used internally to compute new point coordinates during snapping. """ # extract coordinates for vertex 1 of arc x1 = self.vertex_coords[arc[0]][0] y1 = self.vertex_coords[arc[0]][1] # extract coordinates for vertex 2 of arc x2 = self.vertex_coords[arc[1]][0] y2 = self.vertex_coords[arc[1]][1] # if the network are is vertical set the (x) coordinate # and proceed to calculating the (y) coordinate if x1 == x2: x0 = x1 # if the vertical direction is positive from # vertex 1 to vertex 2 on the euclidean plane if y1 < y2: y0 = y1 + distance # if the vertical direction is negative from # vertex 1 to vertex 2 on the euclidean plane elif y1 > y2: y0 = y2 + distance # otherwise the link is zero-length # -- this should never happen else: y0 = y1 return x0, y0 # calculate the slope of the arc, `m` m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) # if the horizontal direction is negative from # vertex 1 to vertex 2 on the euclidean plane if x1 > x2: x0 = x1 - distance / np.sqrt(1 + m**2) # if the horizontal direction is positive from # vertex 1 to vertex 2 on the euclidean plane elif x1 < x2: x0 = x1 + distance / np.sqrt(1 + m**2) # calculate the (y) coordinate y0 = m * (x0 - x1) + y1 # the new (x,y) coordinates for the snapped observation return x0, y0
[docs] def simulate_observations(self, count, distribution='uniform'): """Generate a simulated point pattern on the network. Parameters ---------- count : int The number of points to create or mean of the distribution if not 'uniform'. distribution : str ``{'uniform', 'poisson'}`` distribution of random points. If ``"poisson"``, the distribution is calculated from half the total network length. Returns ------- random_pts : dict Keys are the edge tuple. Values are lists of new point coordinates. Examples -------- >>> import spaghetti as spgh >>> ntw = spgh.Network(examples.get_path('streets.shp')) >>> ntw.snapobservations(examples.get_path('crimes.shp'), ... 'crimes', ... attribute=True) >>> npts = ntw.pointpatterns['crimes'].npoints >>> sim = ntw.simulate_observations(npts) >>> isinstance(sim, True """ # instantiate an empty `SimulatedPointPattern()` simpts = SimulatedPointPattern() # record throw-away arcs enumerator arcs_ = [] # create array and fill each entry as length of network arc lengths = np.zeros(len(self.arc_lengths)) for i, key in enumerate(self.arc_lengths.keys()): arcs_.append(key) lengths[i] = self.arc_lengths[key] # cumulative network length stops = np.cumsum(lengths) totallength = stops[-1] # create lengths with a uniform distribution if distribution is 'uniform': nrandompts = np.random.uniform(0, totallength, size=(count,)) # create lengths with a poisson distribution elif distribution is 'poisson': # calculate poisson from half the network length mid_length = totallength / 2. nrandompts = np.random.poisson(mid_length, size=(count,)) # iterate over random distances created above for i, r in enumerate(nrandompts): # take the first element of the index array (arc id) # where the random distance is less than that that of # its value in `stops` idx = np.where(r < stops)[0][0] # assign the simulated point to the ar assignment_arc = arcs_[idx] # calculate and set the distance from the arc start distance_from_start = stops[idx] - r # populate the coordinates dict x0, y0 = self._newpoint_coords(assignment_arc, distance_from_start) # record the snapped coordinates and associated vertices simpts.snapped_coordinates[i] = (x0, y0) simpts.obs_to_vertex[assignment_arc[0]].append(i) simpts.obs_to_vertex[assignment_arc[1]].append(i) # calculate and set the distance from the arc end distance_from_end = self.arc_lengths[arcs_[idx]]\ - distance_from_start # populate the distances to vertices simpts.dist_to_vertex[i] = {assignment_arc[0]: distance_from_start, assignment_arc[1]: distance_from_end} # set snapped coordinates and point count attributes simpts.points = simpts.snapped_coordinates simpts.npoints = len(simpts.points) return simpts
[docs] def full_distance_matrix(self, n_processes, gen_tree=False): """All vertex-to-vertex distances on a network. This function is called from within ``allneighbordistances()``, ``nearestneighbordistances()``, and ``distancebandweights()``. Parameters ----------- n_processes : int Cpu cores for multiprocessing. gen_tree : bool Rebuild shortest path ``True``, or skip ``False``. Notes ----- Based on :cite:`Dijkstra1959a`. """ # create `alldistances` attribute which will store # the distance cost matrix and path tree self.alldistances = {} # create an empty matrix which will store shortest path distance nvtx = len(self.vertex_list) self.distancematrix = np.empty((nvtx, nvtx)) # single-core processing if not n_processes: # iterate over each network vertex for vtx in self.vertex_list: # calculate the shortest path and preceding # vertices for traversal route distance, pred = util.dijkstra(self, vtx) pred = np.array(pred) # generate the shortest path tree if gen_tree: tree = util.generatetree(pred) else: tree = None # populate distances and paths self.alldistances[vtx] = (distance, tree) self.distancematrix[vtx] = distance # multiprocessing if n_processes: # set up multiprocessing schema import multiprocessing as mp from itertools import repeat if n_processes == 'all': cores = mp.cpu_count() else: cores = n_processes p = mp.Pool(processes=cores) # calculate the shortest path and preceding # vertices for traversal route by mapping each process distance_pred =, zip(repeat(self), self.vertex_list)) # set range of iterations iterations = range(len(distance_pred)) # fill shortest paths distance = [distance_pred[itr][0] for itr in iterations] # fill preceding vertices pred = np.array([distance_pred[itr][1] for itr in iterations]) # iterate of network vertices and generate # the shortest path tree for each for vtx in self.vertex_list: if gen_tree: tree = util.generatetree(pred[vtx]) else: tree = None # populate distances and paths self.alldistances[vtx] = (distance[vtx], tree) self.distancematrix[vtx] = distance[vtx]
[docs] def allneighbordistances(self, sourcepattern, destpattern=None, fill_diagonal=None, n_processes=None, gen_tree=False, snap_dist=False): """Compute either all distances between ``i`` and ``j`` in a single point pattern or all distances between each ``i`` from a source pattern and all ``j`` from a destination pattern. Parameters ---------- sourcepattern : {str,} The key of a point pattern snapped to the network OR the full ```` object. destpattern : str (Optional) The key of a point pattern snapped to the network OR the full ```` object. fill_diagonal : {float, int} (Optional) Fill the diagonal of the cost matrix. Default is ``None`` and will populate the diagonal with ``numpy.nan``. Do not declare a ``destpattern`` for a custom ``fill_diagonal``. n_processes : {int, str} (Optional) Specify the number of cores to utilize. Default is 1 core. Use ``int`` to specify an exact number or cores. Use ``"all"`` to request all available cores. gen_tree : bool Rebuild shortest path ``True``, or skip ``False``. snap_dist : bool Flag as ``True`` to include the distance from the original location to the snapped location along the network. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- nearest : `numpy.ndarray <>`_ An array of shape (n,n) storing distances between all points. tree_nearest : dict Nearest network node to point pattern vertex shortest path lookup. The values of the dictionary are a ``tuple`` of the nearest source vertex and the near destination vertex to query the lookup tree. If two observations are snapped to the same network arc a flag of -.1 is set for both the source and destination network vertex indicating the same arc is used while also raising an ``IndexError`` when rebuilding the path. Examples -------- >>> import spaghetti as spgh >>> ntw = spgh.Network(examples.get_path('streets.shp')) >>> ntw.snapobservations(examples.get_path('crimes.shp'), ... 'crimes', ... attribute=True) >>> s2s_dist = ntw.allneighbordistances('crimes') >>> s2s_dist[0,0], s2s_dist[1,0] (nan, 3105.189475447081) >>> ntw.snapobservations(examples.get_path('schools.shp'), ... 'schools', ... attribute=False) >>> s2d_dist = ntw.allneighbordistances('crimes', ... destpattern='schools') >>> s2d_dist[0,0], s2d_dist[1,0] (4520.72353741989, 6340.422971967316) >>> s2d_dist, tree = ntw.allneighbordistances('schools', ... gen_tree=True) >>> tree[(6, 7)] (173, 64) """ # calculate the network vertex to vertex distance matrix # if it is not already an attribute if not hasattr(self, 'alldistances'): self.full_distance_matrix(n_processes, gen_tree=gen_tree) # set the source and destination observation point patterns if type(sourcepattern) is str: sourcepattern = self.pointpatterns[sourcepattern] if destpattern: destpattern = self.pointpatterns[destpattern] # source pattern setup # set local copy of source pattern index src_indices = list(sourcepattern.points.keys()) # set local copy of source distance to vertex lookup src_d2v = copy.deepcopy(sourcepattern.dist_to_vertex) # source point count nsource_pts = len(src_indices) # create source point to network vertex lookup src_vertices = {} for s in src_indices: v1, v2 = src_d2v[s].keys() src_vertices[s] = (v1, v2) # destination pattern setup # if only a source pattern is specified, also set it as # the destination pattern symmetric = False if destpattern is None: symmetric = True destpattern = sourcepattern # set local copy of destination pattern index dest_indices = list(destpattern.points.keys()) # set local copy of destination distance to vertex lookup dst_d2v = copy.deepcopy(destpattern.dist_to_vertex) # destination point count ndest_pts = len(dest_indices) # create `deepcopy` of destination points to # consider for searching dest_searchpts = copy.deepcopy(dest_indices) # create destination point to network vertex lookup dest_vertices = {} for s in dest_indices: v1, v2 = dst_d2v[s].keys() dest_vertices[s] = (v1, v2) # add snapping distance to each pointpattern if snap_dist: # declare both point patterns and both # distance to vertex lookup in single lists patterns = [sourcepattern, destpattern] dist_copies = [src_d2v, dst_d2v] # iterate over each point pattern for elm, pp in enumerate(patterns): # extract associated vertex distances for pidx, dists_dict in dist_copies[elm].items(): # add snapped distance to each point for vidx, vdist in dists_dict.items(): dists_dict[vidx] = vdist + pp.dist_snapped[pidx] # output setup # create empty source x destination array # and fill with infinity values nearest = np.empty((nsource_pts, ndest_pts)) nearest[:] = np.inf # create empty dictionary to store path trees tree_nearest = {} # iterate over each point in sources for p1 in src_indices: # get the source vertices and dist to source vertices source1, source2 = src_vertices[p1] set1 = set(src_vertices[p1]) # distance from source vertex1 to point and # distance from source vertex2 to point sdist1, sdist2 = src_d2v[p1].values() if symmetric: # only compute the upper triangle if symmetric dest_searchpts.remove(p1) # iterate over each point remaining in destinations for p2 in dest_searchpts: # get the destination vertices and # dist to destination vertices dest1, dest2 = dest_vertices[p2] set2 = set(dest_vertices[p2]) # when the observations are snapped to the same arc if set1 == set2: # calculate only the length between points along # that arc x1, y1 = sourcepattern.snapped_coordinates[p1] x2, y2 = destpattern.snapped_coordinates[p2] computed_length = util.compute_length((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) nearest[p1, p2] = computed_length # set the nearest network vertices to a flag of -.1 # indicating the same arc is used while also raising # and indexing error when rebuilding the path tree_nearest[p1, p2] = (-.1, -.1) # otherwise lookup distance between the source and # destination vertex from the `distancematrix` else: # distance from destination vertex1 to point and # distance from destination vertex2 to point ddist1, ddist2 = dst_d2v[p2].values() # set the four possible combinations of # source to destination shortest path traversal d11 = self.distancematrix[source1][dest1] d21 = self.distancematrix[source2][dest1] d12 = self.distancematrix[source1][dest2] d22 = self.distancematrix[source2][dest2] # find the shortest distance from the path passing # through each of the two origin vertices to the # first destination vertex sd_1 = d11 + sdist1 sd_21 = d21 + sdist2 sp_combo1 = source1, dest1 if sd_1 > sd_21: sd_1 = sd_21 sp_combo1 = source2, dest1 # now add the point to vertex1 distance on # the destination arc len_1 = sd_1 + ddist1 # repeat the prior but now for the paths entering # at the second vertex of the second arc sd_2 = d12 + sdist1 sd_22 = d22 + sdist2 sp_combo2 = source1, dest2 if sd_2 > sd_22: sd_2 = sd_22 sp_combo2 = source2, dest2 len_2 = sd_2 + ddist2 # now find the shortest distance path between point # 1 on arc 1 and point 2 on arc 2, and assign sp_12 = len_1 s_vertex, d_vertex = sp_combo1 if len_1 > len_2: sp_12 = len_2 s_vertex, d_vertex = sp_combo2 # set distance and path tree nearest[p1, p2] = sp_12 tree_nearest[p1, p2] = (s_vertex, d_vertex) if symmetric: # mirror the upper and lower triangle # when symmetric nearest[p2, p1] = nearest[p1, p2] # populate the main diagonal when symmetric if symmetric: # fill the matrix diagonal with NaN values is no fill # value is specified if fill_diagonal is None: np.fill_diagonal(nearest, np.nan) # otherwise fill with specified value else: np.fill_diagonal(nearest, fill_diagonal) # if the nearest path tree is desired return it along # with the cost matrix if gen_tree: return nearest, tree_nearest else: return nearest
[docs] def nearestneighbordistances(self, sourcepattern, destpattern=None, n_processes=None, gen_tree=False, all_dists=None, snap_dist=False, keep_zero_dist=True): """Compute the interpattern nearest neighbor distances or the intrapattern nearest neighbor distances between a source pattern and a destination pattern. Parameters ---------- sourcepattern : str The key of a point pattern snapped to the network. destpattern : str (Optional) The key of a point pattern snapped to the network. n_processes : {int, str} (Optional) Specify the number of cores to utilize. Default is 1 core. Use ``int`` to specify an exact number or cores. Use ``"all"`` to request all available cores. gen_tree : bool Rebuild shortest path ``True``, or skip ``False``. all_dists : `numpy.ndarray <>`_ An array of shape (n,n) storing distances between all points. snap_dist : bool Flag as ``True`` to include the distance from the original location to the snapped location along the network. Default is ``False``. keep_zero_dist : bool Include zero values in minimum distance ``True`` or exclude ``False``. Default is ``True``. If the source pattern is the same as the destination pattern the diagonal is filled with ``numpy.nan``. Returns ------- nearest : dict key is source point id, value is tuple of list containing nearest destination point ids and distance. Examples -------- >>> import spaghetti as spgh >>> ntw = spgh.Network(examples.get_path('streets.shp')) >>> ntw.snapobservations(examples.get_path('crimes.shp'), ... 'crimes') >>> nn = ntw.nearestneighbordistances('crimes', ... keep_zero_dist=True) >>> nn[11], nn[18] (([18, 19], 165.33982412719126), ([19], 0.0)) >>> nn = ntw.nearestneighbordistances('crimes', ... keep_zero_dist=False) >>> nn[11], nn[18] (([18, 19], 165.33982412719126), ([11], 165.33982412719126)) """ # raise exception is the specified point pattern does not exist if sourcepattern not in self.pointpatterns.keys(): err_msg = 'Available point patterns are {}' raise KeyError(err_msg.format(self.pointpatterns.keys())) # calculate the network vertex to vertex distance matrix # if it is not already an attribute if not hasattr(self, 'alldistances'): self.full_distance_matrix(n_processes, gen_tree=gen_tree) # determine if the source and destination patterns are equal symmetric = sourcepattern != destpattern # (for source-to-source patterns) if zero-distance neighbors are # desired, keep the diagonal as NaN and take the minimum # distance neighbor(s), which may include zero distance # neighors. fill_diagonal = None if not keep_zero_dist and symmetric: # (for source-to-source patterns) if zero-distance neighbors # should be ignored, convert the diagonal to 0.0 and take # the minimum distance neighbor(s) that is/are not 0.0 # distance. fill_diagonal = 0. # set the source and destination observation point patterns sourcepattern = self.pointpatterns[sourcepattern] if destpattern: destpattern = self.pointpatterns[destpattern] # if the full source to destination is not calculated, # do that at this time if all_dists is None: all_dists = self.allneighbordistances(sourcepattern, destpattern=destpattern, fill_diagonal=fill_diagonal, n_processes=n_processes, gen_tree=gen_tree, snap_dist=snap_dist) # create empty nearest neighbors lookup nearest = {} # iterate over each source point for source_index in sourcepattern.points.keys(): # this considers all zero-distance neighbors if keep_zero_dist and symmetric: val = np.nanmin(all_dists[source_index,:]) # this does not consider zero-distance neighbors else: val = np.min(all_dists[source_index,:]\ [np.nonzero(all_dists[source_index,:])]) # nearest destination (may be more than one if # observations are equal distances away) dest_idxs = np.where(all_dists[source_index,:] == val)[0].tolist() # set nearest destination point(s) and distance nearest[source_index] = (dest_idxs, val) return nearest
[docs] def NetworkF(self, pointpattern, nsteps=10, permutations=99, threshold=0.2, distribution='uniform', lowerbound=None, upperbound=None): """Computes a network constrained F-Function Parameters ---------- pointpattern : A spaghetti point pattern object. nsteps : int The number of steps at which the count of the nearest neighbors is computed. permutations : int The number of permutations to perform. Default 99. threshold : float The level at which significance is computed. (0.5 would be 97.5% and 2.5%). distribution : str The distribution from which random points are sampled. Either ``"uniform"`` or ``"poisson"``. lowerbound : float The lower bound at which the F-function is computed. Default 0. upperbound : float The upper bound at which the F-function is computed. Defaults to the maximum observed nearest neighbor distance. Returns ------- NetworkF : spaghetti.analysis.NetworkF A network F class instance. Examples -------- >>> import spaghetti as spgh >>> ntw = spgh.Network(in_data=examples.get_path('streets.shp')) >>> pt_str = 'crimes' >>> in_data = examples.get_path('{}.shp'.format(pt_str)) >>> ntw.snapobservations(in_data, pt_str, attribute=True) >>> crimes = ntw.pointpatterns['crimes'] >>> sim = ntw.simulate_observations(crimes.npoints) >>> fres = ntw.NetworkF(crimes, permutations=5, nsteps=10) >>> fres.lowerenvelope.shape[0] 10 """ # call analysis.NetworkF return NetworkF(self, pointpattern, nsteps=nsteps, permutations=permutations, threshold=threshold, distribution=distribution, lowerbound=lowerbound, upperbound=upperbound)
[docs] def NetworkG(self, pointpattern, nsteps=10, permutations=99, threshold=0.5, distribution='uniform', lowerbound=None, upperbound=None): """Computes a network constrained G-Function Parameters ---------- pointpattern : A spaghetti point pattern object. nsteps : int The number of steps at which the count of the nearest neighbors is computed. permutations : int The number of permutations to perform. Default 99. threshold : float The level at which significance is computed. (0.5 would be 97.5% and 2.5%). distribution : str The distribution from which random points are sampled Either ``"uniform"`` or ``"poisson"``. lowerbound : float The lower bound at which the G-function is computed. Default 0. upperbound : float The upper bound at which the G-function is computed. Defaults to the maximum observed nearest neighbor distance. Returns ------- NetworkG : spaghetti.analysis.NetworkG A network G class instance. Examples -------- >>> import spaghetti as spgh >>> ntw = spgh.Network(in_data=examples.get_path('streets.shp')) >>> pt_str = 'crimes' >>> in_data = examples.get_path('{}.shp'.format(pt_str)) >>> ntw.snapobservations(in_data, pt_str, attribute=True) >>> crimes = ntw.pointpatterns['crimes'] >>> sim = ntw.simulate_observations(crimes.npoints) >>> gres = ntw.NetworkG(crimes, permutations=5, nsteps=10) >>> gres.lowerenvelope.shape[0] 10 """ # call analysis.NetworkG return NetworkG(self, pointpattern, nsteps=nsteps, permutations=permutations, threshold=threshold, distribution=distribution, lowerbound=lowerbound, upperbound=upperbound)
[docs] def NetworkK(self, pointpattern, nsteps=10, permutations=99, threshold=0.5, distribution='uniform', lowerbound=None, upperbound=None): """Computes a network constrained K-Function Parameters ---------- pointpattern : A spaghetti point pattern object. nsteps : int The number of steps at which the count of the nearest neighbors is computed. permutations : int The number of permutations to perform. Default is 99. threshold : float The level at which significance is computed. (0.5 would be 97.5% and 2.5%). distribution : str The distribution from which random points are sampled Either ``"uniform"`` or ``"poisson"``. lowerbound : float The lower bound at which the K-function is computed. Default is 0. upperbound : float The upper bound at which the K-function is computed. Defaults to the maximum observed nearest neighbor distance. Returns ------- NetworkK : spaghetti.analysis.NetworkK A network K class instance. Notes ----- Based on :cite:`Okabe2001`. Examples -------- >>> import spaghetti as spgh >>> ntw = spgh.Network(in_data=examples.get_path('streets.shp')) >>> pt_str = 'crimes' >>> in_data = examples.get_path('{}.shp'.format(pt_str)) >>> ntw.snapobservations(in_data, pt_str, attribute=True) >>> crimes = ntw.pointpatterns['crimes'] >>> sim = ntw.simulate_observations(crimes.npoints) >>> kres = ntw.NetworkK(crimes, permutations=5, nsteps=10) >>> kres.lowerenvelope.shape[0] 10 """ # call analysis.NetworkK return NetworkK(self, pointpattern, nsteps=nsteps, permutations=permutations, threshold=threshold, distribution=distribution, lowerbound=lowerbound, upperbound=upperbound)
[docs] def split_arcs(self, distance): """Split all of the arcs in the network at either a fixed distance or a fixed number of arcs. Parameters ----------- distance : float The distance at which arcs are split. Returns ------- split_network : spaghetti.Network newly instantiated ``spaghetti.Network`` object. Examples -------- >>> import spaghetti as spgh >>> ntw = spgh.Network(examples.get_path('streets.shp')) >>> n200 = ntw.split_arcs(200.0) >>> len(n200.arcs) 688 """ # create new shell network instance split_network = Network() # duplicate input network attributes split_network.adjacencylist = copy.deepcopy(self.adjacencylist) split_network.arc_lengths = copy.deepcopy(self.arc_lengths) split_network.arcs = set(copy.deepcopy(self.arcs)) split_network.vertex_coords = copy.deepcopy(self.vertex_coords) split_network.vertex_list = copy.deepcopy(self.vertex_list) split_network.vertices = copy.deepcopy(self.vertices) split_network.pointpatterns = copy.deepcopy(self.pointpatterns) split_network.in_data = self.in_data # set vertex id to start iterations current_vertex_id = max(self.vertices.values()) # instantiate sets for newly created network arcs and # input network arcs to remove new_arcs = set() remove_arcs = set() # iterate over all network arcs for arc in split_network.arcs: # fetch network arc length length = split_network.arc_lengths[arc] # set initial segmentation interval interval = distance # initialize arc new arc length at zero totallength = 0 # initialize the starting vertex, current vertex, and # ending vertex currentstart = start_vertex = arc[0] end_vertex = arc[1] # if the arc will be split remove the current # arc from the adjacency list if interval < length: # remove old arc adjacency information split_network.adjacencylist[arc[0]].remove(arc[1]) split_network.adjacencylist[arc[1]].remove(arc[0]) # remove old arc length information split_network.arc_lengths.pop(arc, None) # add old arc to set of arcs to remove remove_arcs.add(arc) # if the arc will not be split, do nothing and continue else: continue # traverse the length of the arc while totallength < length: # set/update the current vertex id currentstop = current_vertex_id # once an can not be split further if totallength + interval > length: # record the ending vertex currentstop = end_vertex # set the length remainder interval = length - totallength # full old length reached totallength = length else: # set the current vertex id current_vertex_id += 1 # set the current stopping id currentstop = current_vertex_id # add the interval distance to the traversed length totallength += interval # compute the new vertex coordinate newx, newy = self._newpoint_coords(arc, totallength) # update the vertex if currentstop not in split_network.vertex_list: split_network.vertex_list.append(currentstop) # update vertex coordinates and vertex id split_network.vertex_coords[currentstop] = newx, newy split_network.vertices[(newx, newy)] = currentstop # update the new network adjacency list split_network.adjacencylist[currentstart].append(currentstop) split_network.adjacencylist[currentstop].append(currentstart) # add the new arc to the arc dictionary # iterating over this so we need to add after iterating new_arcs.add(tuple(sorted([currentstart, currentstop]))) # modify arc_lengths current_start_stop = tuple(sorted([currentstart, currentstop])) # set the length of the arc split_network.arc_lengths[current_start_stop] = interval # increment the starting vertex to the stopping vertex currentstart = currentstop # add the newly created arcs to the network split_network.arcs.update(new_arcs) # remove the old arcs the network split_network.arcs.difference_update(remove_arcs) split_network.arcs = list(split_network.arcs) # update the snapped point pattern for instance in split_network.pointpatterns.values(): split_network._snap_to_link(instance) return split_network
[docs] def savenetwork(self, filename): """Save a network to disk as a binary file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename where the network should be saved. This should be a full path or it will be save in the current directory. Examples -------- >>> import spaghetti as spgh >>> ntw = spgh.Network(examples.get_path('streets.shp')) >>> ntw.savenetwork('mynetwork.pkl') """ with open(filename, 'wb') as networkout: pickle.dump(self, networkout, protocol=2)
[docs] @staticmethod def loadnetwork(filename): """Load a network from a binary file saved on disk. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename where the network should be saved. Returns ------- self : spaghetti.Network spaghetti Network object """ with open(filename, 'rb') as networkin: self = pickle.load(networkin) return self
[docs]def element_as_gdf(net, vertices=False, arcs=False, pp_name=None, snapped=False, id_col='id', geom_col='geometry'): """Return a `geopandas.GeoDataFrame <>`_ of network elements. This can be (a) the vertices of a network; (b) the arcs of a network; (c) both the vertices and arcs of the network; (d) raw point pattern associated with the network; or (e) snapped point pattern of (d). Parameters ---------- net : spaghetti.Network network object vertices : bool Extract the network vertices. Default is ``False``. arcs : bool Extract the network arcs. Default is ``False``. pp_name : str Name of the network ``PointPattern`` to extract. Default is ``None``. snapped : bool If extracting a network ``PointPattern``, set to ``True`` for snapped point locations along the network. Default is ``False``. id_col : str GeoDataFrame column name for IDs. Default is ``'id'``. geom_col : str GeoDataFrame column name for geometry. Default is ``'geometry'``. Raises ------ KeyError In order to extract a ``PointPattern`` it must already be a part of the ``spaghetti.Network`` object. This exception is raised when a ``PointPattern`` is being extracted that does not exist within the ``spaghetti.Network`` object. Returns ------- points : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Network point elements (either vertices or ``PointPattern`` points) as a `geopandas.GeoDataFrame` of ``shapely.Point`` objects with an ``id`` column and ``geometry`` column. lines : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Network arc elements as a ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` of ``shapely.LineString`` objects with an ``id`` column and ``geometry`` column. Notes ----- This function requires `geopandas <>`_. """ # need vertices place holder to create network segment LineStrings # even if only network edges are desired. vertices_for_arcs = False if arcs and not vertices: vertices_for_arcs = True # vertices/nodes/points if vertices or vertices_for_arcs or pp_name: points = util._points_as_gdf(net, vertices, vertices_for_arcs, pp_name, snapped, id_col=id_col, geom_col=geom_col) # return points geodataframe if arcs not specified or # if extracting `PointPattern` points if not arcs or pp_name: return points # arcs arcs = util._arcs_as_gdf(net, points, id_col=id_col, geom_col=geom_col) if vertices_for_arcs: return arcs else: return points, arcs
[docs]class PointPattern(): """A stub point pattern class used to store a point pattern. This class is monkey patched with network specific attributes when the points are snapped to a network. In the future this class may be replaced with a generic point pattern class. Parameters ---------- in_data : {geopandas.GeoDataFrame, str} The input geographic data. Either (1) a path to a shapefile ``str``; or (2) a `geopandas.GeoDataFrame <>`_. idvariable : str Field in the shapefile to use as an id variable. attribute : bool A flag to indicate whether all attributes are tagged to this class (``True``) or excluded (``False``). Default is ``False``. Attributes ---------- points : dict Keys are the point ids (int). Values are the x,y coordinates (tuple). npoints : int The number of points. obs_to_arc : dict Keys are arc ids (tuple). Values are snapped point information (``dict``). Within the snapped point information (``dict``) keys are observation ids (``int``), and values are snapped coordinates. obs_to_vertex : list List of incident network vertices to snapped observation points converted from a ``default_dict``. Originally in the form of paired left/right nearest network vertices {netvtx1: obs_id1, netvtx2: obs_id1, netvtx1: obs_id2... netvtx1: obs_idn}, then simplified to a list in the form [netvtx1, netvtx2, netvtx1, netvtx2, ...]. dist_to_vertex : dict Keys are observations ids (``int``). Values are distance lookup (``dict``). Within distance lookup (``dict``) keys are the two incident vertices of the arc and values are distance to each of those arcs. snapped_coordinates : dict Keys are the point ids (``int``). Values are the snapped x,y coordinates (tuple). snap_dist : bool Flag as ``True`` to include the distance from the original location to the snapped location along the network. Default is ``False``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, in_data=None, idvariable=None, attribute=False): # initialize points dictionary and counter self.points = {} self.npoints = 0 # flag for points from a shapefile if isinstance(in_data, str): from_shp = True else: from_shp = False # either set native point id from dataset or create new ids if idvariable: ids = weights.util.get_ids(in_data, idvariable) else: ids = None # extract the point geometries if from_shp: pts = open(in_data) else: pts_objs = list(in_data.geometry) pts = [cg.shapes.Point((p.x, p.y)) for p in pts_objs] # fetch attributes if requested if attribute: # open the database file if data is from shapefile if from_shp: dbname = os.path.splitext(in_data)[0] + '.dbf' db = open(dbname) # if data is from a GeoDataFrame, drop the geometry column # and declare attribute values as a list of lists else: db = in_data.drop(, axis=1).values.tolist() db = [[d] for d in db] else: db = None # iterate over all points for i, pt in enumerate(pts): # ids, attributes if ids and db is not None: self.points[ids[i]] = {'coordinates': pt, 'properties': db[i]} # ids, no attributes elif ids and db is None: self.points[ids[i]] = {'coordinates': pt, 'properties': None} # no ids, attributes elif not ids and db is not None: self.points[i] = {'coordinates': pt, 'properties': db[i]} # no ids, no attributes else: self.points[i] = {'coordinates': pt, 'properties': None} # close the shapefile and database file # if the input data is a .shp if from_shp: pts.close() if db: db.close() # record number of points self.npoints = len(self.points.keys())
[docs]class SimulatedPointPattern(): """Struct style class to mirror the ``PointPattern`` class. If the ``PointPattern`` class has methods, it might make sense to make this a child of that class. This class is not intended to be used by the external user. Attributes ---------- npoints : int The number of points. obs_to_arc : dict Keys are arc ids (tuple). Values are snapped point information (``dict``). Within the snapped point information (``dict``) keys are observation ids (``int``), and values are snapped coordinates. obs_to_vertex : list List of incident network vertices to snapped observation points converted from a ``default_dict``. Originally in the form of paired left/right nearest network vertices {netvtx1: obs_id1, netvtx2: obs_id1, netvtx1: obs_id2... netvtx1: obs_idn}, then simplified to a list in the form [netvtx1, netvtx2, netvtx1, netvtx2, ...]. dist_to_vertex : dict Keys are observations ids (``int``). Values are distance lookup (``dict``). Within distance lookup (``dict``) keys are the two incident vertices of the arc and values are distance to each of those arcs. snapped_coordinates : dict Keys are the point ids (``int``). Values are the snapped x,y coordinates (tuple). snap_dist : bool Flag as ``True`` to include the distance from the original location to the snapped location along the network. Default is ``False``. """
[docs] def __init__(self): # duplicate post-snapping PointPattern class structure self.npoints = 0 self.obs_to_arc = {} self.obs_to_vertex = defaultdict(list) self.dist_to_vertex = {} self.snapped_coordinates = {}