
class spaghetti.SimulatedPointPattern[source]

Struct style class to mirror the PointPattern class. If the PointPattern class has methods, it might make sense to make this a child of that class. This class is not intended to be used by the external user.


The number of points.


Keys are arc ids (tuple). Values are snapped point information (dict). Within the snapped point information (dict) keys are observation ids (int), and values are snapped coordinates.


List of incident network vertices to snapped observation points converted from a default_dict. Originally in the form of paired left/right nearest network vertices {netvtx1: obs_id1, netvtx2: obs_id1, netvtx1: obs_id2… netvtx1: obs_idn}, then simplified to a list in the form [netvtx1, netvtx2, netvtx1, netvtx2, …].


Keys are observations ids (int). Values are distance lookup (dict). Within distance lookup (dict) keys are the two incident vertices of the arc and values are distance to each of those arcs.


Keys are the point ids (int). Values are the snapped x,y coordinates (tuple).


Flag as True to include the distance from the original location to the snapped location along the network. Default is False.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.



Initialize self.